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Shamsah Amersi, MD

OB-GYN & Breast Cancer Assessment located in Santa Monica, CA

Dr. Amersi has helped thousands of women throughout Santa Monica, CA, get the gynecology services they need to maintain good health at every age. As an ACOG fellow, Dr. Amersi has advanced training in her field and adheres to the highest standards so you can feel confident in your care.

Gynecology Q & A

Why are regular gynecologic exams important?

Gynecologic exams including a pelvic exam are important for identifying diseases and medical conditions, including sexually-transmitted diseases and cancer, in their earliest stages, when they’re most treatable. Having your first pelvic exam when you’re young – ideally in your early 20s – can provide important baseline information that can help your doctor spot changes during future exams which could be indicative of an evolving medical condition. Regular exams also play an important role in ensuring you have all the information you need to make smart choices about your health.

What can I expect during my exam?

During your visit, your doctor will record your blood pressure and weight, feel your tummy and make an overall health assessment. You’ll also have a clinical breast exam – a critical tool in identifying early-stage breast cancer – and in most cases, a pelvic exam to examine your external genitalia, vagina, uterus and cervix and to perform a pap smear to screen for cervical cancer. Your exam will be based in part on your age and other health-related factors. Your exam is an ideal time to ask questions and talk about your concerns about sexual health, pregnancy and other issues.

How often should I have a gynecological exam?

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommends annual well visits, including annual pelvic exams for women over 21, to maintain good health. Postponing visits can allow many diseases and medical conditions to go undetected, allowing them to develop into more serious conditions. The organization also recommends a first visit to a gynecologist take place between the ages of 13 and 15 for educational purposes and screening, with a pelvic exam only when medically indicated.


Ask us about our Holistic Gynecology services.

Major Insurance Providers Accepted

We accept only PPO insurance plans. Below is a short-list of just some of the plans we accept. Please contact our office if you do not see your insurance provider listed below.

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Health Net