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Am I a Candidate for Ozempic for Weight Loss?

Am I a Candidate for Ozempic for Weight Loss?

Are you struggling to lose weight? You’re not alone: Nearly 74% of American adults are overweight or obese. 

Women with hormone imbalances are at a higher risk of weight gain. This is because hormones help regulate many vital body functions, including your appetite regulation, fat accumulation, and metabolism. 

Thanks to recent advances in medicine, a medication called Ozempic® (semaglutide) can help. First created for the management of type 2 diabetes, semaglutide mimics the hormones related to appetite and glucose management.

At her private practice in Santa Monica, California, board-certified OB/GYN Shamsah Amersi, MD, offers medically supervised weight loss with semaglutide injections for patients with underlying hormonal imbalances linked to weight gain. 

Read on to learn more about semaglutide and whether you’re a candidate. 

Understanding Ozempic for weight loss

Different conditions can contribute to hormone-related weight gain, including:

If you have one of these conditions, semaglutide can help. Semaglutide is an FDA-approved medication that works like a hormone your body naturally produces: glucagon-like peptide-1. Studies have shown this hormone helps people lose significant weight by regulating appetite and blood sugar levels.

While it was originally developed for people with type 2 diabetes, the FDA approved it for weight loss in certain adults in 2021. When used for weight loss, you get a weekly injection, usually self-administered at home. 

The active ingredient in the medication helps boost your satiety while controlling your appetite, helping you feel more satisfied and full with smaller amounts of food. When combined with other healthy changes, like increasing your physical activity and improving your diet, semaglutide can help you lose weight.

In clinical trials, for example, participants experienced an average weight loss of 15% of their starting body weight. What’s more? Semaglutide has helped people keep their weight under control for a sustained period.

Candidates for Ozempic for weight loss

The best way to learn if you’re a candidate for semaglutide for weight loss is by meeting with an experienced provider, like Dr. Amersi. Your provider reviews your medical history, current conditions, and lifestyle factors, and conducts any exams and tests needed to identify any underlying causes of your weight gain. 

Not everyone is a candidate for semaglutide, and you should only use Ozempic under the supervision of a medical provider. Semaglutide is generally used to treat patients who have:

Patients should also have realistic expectations and be committed to healthy eating, regular exercise, and other positive lifestyle changes linked to weight loss. 

Ready to learn if Ozempic is right for your weight loss journey? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Amersi in Santa Monica, California, today. 

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