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Sexual Intercourse Shouldn't Hurt

Sexual Intercourse Shouldn't Hurt

Sexual intercourse should please you, not hurt. If you're experiencing painful sex, it's a sign that something isn't quite right. Many issues can lead to painful sex, including physical problems and psychological challenges. 

Board-certified OB/GYN Shamsah Amersi, MD, is committed to helping women of all ages maximize their reproductive health. At her private practice in Santa Monica, California, Dr. Amersi helps women uncover the root cause of painful sexual intercourse and find effective relief.

If you're experiencing pain during sex, keep reading to learn more about the possible causes and the ways we can help. 

The many causes of painful sex

Over three-quarters of women experience pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse at some point. When painful sex occurs occasionally, it’s usually because of vaginal dryness related to their cycle, dehydration, or other passing conditions. 

For some women, however, painful sex becomes an ongoing issue. For some of these women, the pain associated with intercourse can be severe. This condition is called dyspareunia, and it’s never normal. 

Pain during sex is a complicated issue. Women develop dyspareunia for many reasons, and often, multiple factors are involved. Psychological or emotional concerns can play a role, as can physical issues, including:

Low libido and problematic sexual response can also affect your experience during sex. Hormonal changes or imbalances related to menopause, giving birth, and your reproductive cycle can often contribute. 

This is because estrogen is a key component of vaginal health. This hormone keeps the delicate tissues moist, thick, and elastic so that sex isn’t painful. When estrogen levels change, it can cause sexual changes, especially when estrogen production drops significantly, as during menopause. 

Dr. Amersi understands the complexity of this condition and conducts the physical exams, evaluations, and additional tests or imaging studies needed to diagnose your dyspareunia accurately.   

Making sex pleasurable again

The good news is that for most women, effective therapies and treatments can make sex enjoyable again. The proper treatment depends on the underlying cause of your dyspareunia. 

Once Dr. Amersi determines the root cause of your condition, she creates a personalized dyspareunia treatment plan to suit your needs and preferences. Possible treatments include:

Dr. Amersi may also recommend seeing a specialist or therapist who specializes in helping women manage ongoing emotional or psychological challenges related to sexual intercourse. 

Don’t put up with painful sex! Get effective relief by scheduling an appointment online or over the phone with Dr. Amersi in Santa Monica, California. 

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